The grumpy cat breed, also known as the "Grumpy Cat," is a unique and distinctive feline that has captured the hearts of millions around the world. This breed is known for its perpetually grumpy expression, which has become an internet sensation, resulting in numerous memes and merchandise. The popularity of grumpy cats started when a photo of a cat with a sour expression named Tardar Sauce went viral on the internet. This was in 2012 when Tardar Sauce, also known as Grumpy Cat, became an overnight sensation, with her photos quickly spreading across social media platforms. Her unique facial expression and her owners' creativity with captions sparked the creation of memes, and she became an internet phenomenon. The grumpy cat's popularity has only continued to grow, with the breed becoming a favorite among cat lovers worldwide. Despite their grumpy appearance, these cats are beloved for their affectionate and playful personalities. They are also known for their intelli...
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